Avant repairs, servicing, parts and warranty
Your new Avant will be backed up by our authorised service workshop
Get real peace of mind that your investment will have the best longevity

Now that you’ve purchased the Avant loader you require the added security that your investment will have the service and repair support from the best authorised Avant workshop in our North Queensland region

In Townsville, Forklift It is the authorised dealer and service agent. Our Service Manager, Bernie Lawrence, heads up a team of professional equipment technicians and provides a complete and comprehensive workshop to service, repair and maintain the Deici brand.

Bernie also boasts a top mobile service making the process even more achievable. Value adding to this fantastic provision, Avant NQ Hire and Sales has the skill and capacity to provide the same comprehensive service and parts regime covering all other brands of all terrain machines and associated equipment.

We understand that this type of equipment needs to be running at peak efficiency all the time. By having us look after all of your forklift servicing and repairs ensures maximum performance and reliability.

Maintaining your Avant Equipment for long term service, reliability and safety

Avant are becoming a vital piece of equipment for everyday residential, commercial or farm use. They make light work of lifting and transporting tasks such as trenching, post hole digging, lifting, levelling and moving heavy loads.

Avant owners fully appreciate the benefits of preventive maintenance (PM) every day to keep an Avant in peak operating condition. Avant also recommend the machine’s service schedule to ensure that, for many years into the future you will get your trench dug, your fence post firmly in the ground or your grounds have been levelled.

"Use of recommended maintenance practices is paramount to the well being of the product," says jason Walduck, Director Forklift It and Avant NQ.

"Extensive testing has been performed on various components to determine maintenance intervals and filter requirements. The Avant Service Schedules ensure these requirements are met, enabling your Avant to do all the jobs over all the years at peak operating efficiency."

Give us a call or email today to book your service or repairs


Thanks to Forklift It and Avant Equipment we can supply the correct machine for any application suitable for an extensive variety of highly specialised industries. Have a look at what applications Avant are frequently used for.
We have a selection of quality Avant machines for long or short term hire offering you some real financial benefits which include leaving your capital untouched, with no cash outlay.
With Avant you require the added security that your investment will have the service and repair support from the best authorised Avant workshop in our North Queensland region.
Contact us
Call your Avant specialists today
Retail display centre: 704 - 710 Ingham Road, Townsville
Joe: 0488 367 548
Mal: 0473 367 548
Email: forkliftit@bigpond.com

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